The Irish American Society
of Nassau, Suffolk, & Queens, Inc
All events are open to the public unless noted by "Members only."
Please click the blue links for more information.
Wed., Jan. 1st - Happy New Year!
Fri., Jan. 3rd - Trad & Country. 7:30 pm
Thurs., Jan. 9th - St Patrick's Planning Meeting. 7:00 pm.
Fri., Jan. 10th - "25" Card Game - 8 pm.
Mon., Jan. 13th - Board Meeting. Trustees - 7:00 pm. Directors - 7:30 pm.
Mon., Jan. 20th - Martin Luther King Day - Office closed.
Tues., Jan. 21st - Society Meeting. 7:30 pm
Fri., Jan. 24th - CCE. Mulligan - Quinn Comhaltas Ceili - 7:30 pm.
Sat., Jan. 25th Installation Dinner - 7:00 pm.
Fri., Feb. 7th - Trad & Country 7:30 pm
Mon., Feb. 10th - Board Meeting. Trustees 7 pm, Directors 7:30 pm
Thurs. thru Sun. Feb. 13th - 16th - Feis
Mon., Feb.17th - Presidents' Day - Office Closed
Tues., Feb. 18th - Society Meeting - 7:30 pm
Fri., Feb. 21st - "25" Card Game - 8 pm
Sun., Feb. 23rd - Grand Marshal Dinner Dance - 5 pm. McLean Ave Band $100/pp Full Irish Dinner. Open Bar
Tues., Feb. 25th, AOH Meeting 7pm.
Fri., Feb. 28th - CCE. Mulligan Quinn Comhaltas Ceili. 7:30 pm
Upcoming 2025 Events - Save the Dates!
Sun., Mar. 2nd - Mineola St. Patrick's Parade
Mon., Mar. 17th - NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Weekly Classes & Clubs
Canasta Lessons - 11 am
Yoga 10:30 am.
Social Club 12-3 pm.
Bagpipe & Drum Lessons 7:00 pm
Irish Language Classes with Dan Higgins - 10 am
Violin Lessons ** 6-9 pm ** Niall Mulligan (631) 559.1409.
Irish Set Dancing Lessons 7:00 - 9:00 pm $15/class​. Finola McCabe & Willie Barrett. Experienced and new dancers welcome!
Bagpipe Practice ** 7:30 pm Pipe Major Ward Conolly (631) 262-0127 - For children 10+ & adults willing to learn. Experienced pipers & drummers welcome. Effective Jan. 2024 complimentary * lessons for all beginners.
** Indicates private lessons, interested parties should get additional info from the contact listed.